Friday, September 3, 2010

new home

I'm in unfamiliar territory now, for the next year. The choice was my own and something that I felt I needed to do while I am young and less cautious or else I might spend the rest of my life wishing I'd taken the risk. New York is a world unto itself. Hell, Manhattan alone is it's own planet. I made the decision to make this long white hallway into a home with a bright and beautiful blonde who keeps me laughing and let's me rant and goes out for drinks after a mediocre day at work. She likes my shitty cooking and watches bootleg tv with me every Sunday. I'm glad she's doing this with me, I can't imagine what it would have been like to change so much in so short a time on my own.

It's been fun planning out the apartment, choosing colors and making art together. The joint efffort has made this place into something I'm proud of. Now comes the part where I force myself to be done with it and decide to be satisfied so that I don't start to accumulate things I dont need for the sake of having them.

Work sucks, and there haven't been any opportunities to do what I'm really here for...but September is the month. I have much still to learn and a lot of confidence to muster if I'm going to do this.